NIM 360. INTEGRATIVE HEALTH CLINIC offers a GDPR compliant multidisciplinary team of healthcare practitioners who provide compassionate person-centered healthcare consultations and treatments. Our innovative model incorporates the principles of academic medical research and practices with evidence-based complementary and integrative health therapies for the management of chronic illnesses, reduction of pain and associative symptoms.

Shelley Noble-Letort, PhD NIM Founder and HealthTrust360 Director, Certified Yoga Therapist (E-RYT C-IAYT)

Rupa Shree Appa-Pind, PhD Medical and Molecular Pharmacology at UCLA, Data Scientist

Esther Belmaati, MD PhD Diagnostics Department of Radiology and Lung Medicine at Copenhagen University (KU) Rigshospitalet, Medical Doctor Læge

Vivian Lord, B.H.K. ND RAB Ernæringsterapeuter, Dansk Heilpraktiker Forening, Naturopathic Doctor

Julie Kolbe Krøier, PhD Music Therapy at Aalborg Universitet, Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) Musikpsykoterapeutisk efteruddannelse

Perry Owens, BSc Hons Physiotherapy and Massage at Oxford Brookes University, Physiotherapist

Anne Kathrine Lodberg RAB-PA Praktiserende Akupunktører/ Auriculoterapi, certifikater i Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Kina og USA.


Explore Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine and Health and NIH National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)

Visit Nordic Integrative Medicine

Integrative Health Consultation

BEGIN WITH A FREE INTRODUCTORY CONSULTATION • Tell us your story, allow us to share with you how we may be able to serve your needs. FIRST SESSION Comprehensive health history intake, wellness assessment and establishment of therapeutic targets. NEXT SESSIONS Personalized consultations targeting nutrition; exercise and movement; lifestyle and mindfulness; including referrals to our int... Læs Mere

BEGIN WITH A FREE INTRODUCTORY CONSULTATION • Tell us your story, allow us to share with you how we may be able to serve your needs.

Comprehensive health history intake, wellness assessment and establishment of therapeutic targets.

Personalized consultations targeting nutrition; exercise and movement; lifestyle and mindfulness; including referrals to our integrated treatment therapies such as acupuncture, music therapy and physiotherapy; as well as recommendations on natural medicines and investigations that will serve your quest for optimal health.

Compassionate care, guidance and support.

Helpful tools for navigating your unique obstacles, include: medical review and healthcare plan and a careful analysis of the client's health history with a focus on counseling the whole life of a person, which includes family medical history, blood panel history, nutritional history and medication history, especially pharmaceutical interactions with food and herbs, nutritional supplements and other pharmaceuticals.

Medical Doctor Consultation

Et vigtigt værktøj i forbindelse med sundhedsanalysen er en nøje gennemgang af klientens helbredshistorie med fokus på det hele menneske, der omfatter familiesygehistorie, blodpanelhistorie, ernæringshistorie, og lægemiddelhistorie, især farmaceutiske interaktioner med fødevarer, kosttilskud og andre lægemidler. Disse sundhedanalyser gennemgås af lægen og sundhedsteamet og giver et vigtigt ind... Læs Mere

Et vigtigt værktøj i forbindelse med sundhedsanalysen er en nøje gennemgang af klientens helbredshistorie med fokus på det hele menneske, der omfatter
familiesygehistorie, blodpanelhistorie, ernæringshistorie, og lægemiddelhistorie, især farmaceutiske interaktioner med fødevarer, kosttilskud og andre lægemidler. Disse sundhedanalyser gennemgås af lægen og sundhedsteamet og giver et vigtigt indblik i den enkeltes sundhed og kan give indikationer på nuværende eller fremtidige sundhedsproblemer. Deltagerne får vigtige oplysninger og rådgivning i forhold til eventuelle sundhedsproblemer, så de derved kan træffe de nødvendige præventive forholdsregler i samarbejdet med IM teamet.

Vil samtalen/behandlingen primært foregå på dansk, med også engelsk.

Medical and Pharmacological Consultation

A deeper dive into your medical records and reports with a scientific, evidence-based focus on medication history, especially pharmaceutical interactions with food and herbs, nutritional supplements and other pharmaceuticals. We will help you to understand complex scientific research data so you may be better prepared when meeting with specialists and other healthcare facilities.

Clinical Nutrition Counseling

En sund fordøjelse er en vigtig del af et stærkt og modstandsdygtigt immunforsvar. Livsstilsfaktorer som stress, forkert ernæring, fødevareallergier, nydelsesmidler, tarminfektioner og manglende fordøjelsesenzymer svækker immunforsvaret. Når man styrker immunforsvaret via viden om ernæring, fungerer det som præventiv medicin og styrker samtidig den overordnede sundhed i hele mennesket. Vil s... Læs Mere

En sund fordøjelse er en vigtig del af et stærkt og modstandsdygtigt immunforsvar. Livsstilsfaktorer som stress, forkert ernæring, fødevareallergier, nydelsesmidler, tarminfektioner og manglende fordøjelsesenzymer svækker immunforsvaret. Når man styrker immunforsvaret via viden om ernæring, fungerer det som præventiv medicin og styrker samtidig den overordnede sundhed i hele mennesket.

Vil samtalen/behandlingen primært foregå på engelsk.

Physiotherapeutic Massage

Fysioterapeutisk undersøgelse og behandling med specialiseret i ortopædi, neurology, hydroterapi, kardiologi, kvinders sundhed, ambulante patienter, pædiatri, burns og plast. Teknikker omfatter grundlæggende behandling i Tui Na, hovedpine- og triggerpunktsbehandlinger, avanceret niveau dry needling kinesisk cupping. Massage specialiteter: Dybdemassage•Fysiurgiskmassage•Sportsmassage•Gravid... Læs Mere

Fysioterapeutisk undersøgelse og behandling med specialiseret i ortopædi, neurology, hydroterapi, kardiologi, kvinders sundhed, ambulante patienter, pædiatri, burns og plast. Teknikker omfatter grundlæggende behandling i Tui Na, hovedpine- og triggerpunktsbehandlinger, avanceret niveau dry needling kinesisk cupping.

Massage specialiteter:

Vil samtalen/behandlingen primært foregå på engelsk.


Acupuncture is one of the treatment modalities of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the oldest professional and continuously practiced medicine in the world. It uses very thin needles inserted into specific points in the body in order to relieve pain, improve function and speed healing. Chinese Medicine embraces the logic that the best cure for sickness is prevention. Traditional Chinese doct... Læs Mere

Acupuncture is one of the treatment modalities of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the oldest professional and continuously practiced medicine in the world. It uses very thin needles inserted into specific points in the body in order to relieve pain, improve function and speed healing. Chinese Medicine embraces the logic that the best cure for sickness is prevention. Traditional Chinese doctors are trained to cultivate wellness as well as to correct ill health. Chinese medical thinking integrates medicine, whose aim is to heal the body and mind with a philosophy whose purpose is to guide us in living. Acupuncture helps to restore the balance of energy in the body improve your overall health and well-being. Health is an ongoing active process and TCM is an excellent complement to Western medicine.

Vil samtalen/behandlingen primært foregå på dansk, med også engelsk.

Music Therapy

Musikterapi anvender Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) som understøtter det dybereliggende arbejde med at integrere alle selvaspekter i mennesket. Det kan være fysiologi, interpersonel bearbejdning og mental balance. Disse metoder kan mindske symptomer på depression og angst. Terapien kan også øge åbenhed og forbedre livskvalitet og generel velvære. Vil samtalen/behandlingen primært foregå på... Læs Mere

Musikterapi anvender Guided Imagery and Music (GIM)
som understøtter det dybereliggende arbejde med at integrere alle selvaspekter i mennesket. Det kan være fysiologi, interpersonel bearbejdning og mental
balance. Disse metoder kan mindske symptomer på depression og angst. Terapien kan også øge åbenhed og forbedre livskvalitet og generel velvære.

Vil samtalen/behandlingen primært foregå på dansk, med også engelsk.

Yoga Therapy

Yogaterapi, meditation og åndedrætsøvelser er nogle af de sikreste og mest effektive måder, hvorpå man kan afhjælpe stress og kroniske smerter. Behandlingen fokuserer på at genopbygge og behandle medarbejdere og få dem i bedre balance. Når stressniveauet sænkes, opnås en forbedret fordøjelse, en dybere søvn og en øget effektivitet. Afstresning af kroppen åbner for mental afslapning, som muliggø... Læs Mere

Yogaterapi, meditation og åndedrætsøvelser er nogle af de sikreste og mest effektive måder, hvorpå man kan afhjælpe stress og kroniske smerter. Behandlingen fokuserer på at genopbygge og behandle medarbejdere og få dem i bedre balance. Når stressniveauet sænkes, opnås en forbedret fordøjelse, en dybere søvn og en øget effektivitet. Afstresning af kroppen åbner for mental afslapning, som muliggør proaktiv beslutningstagning og en højere produktivitet hos medarbejderen. Afstresning af kroppen er centralt for medarbejderens sundhed, fordi det skaber en bedre balance mellem arbejde og fritid. Virksomheden får gavn af sundere medarbejdere i form af højere produktivitet og færre sygedage.

Vil samtalen/behandlingen primært foregå på engelsk.

Rupa is the NIM Board Director of Research and Development coming from a 20 year career with Novo Nordisk, were she currently holds the position of Senior Project Lead of the R&D Executive Team. During her career, she has implemented new methods and technologies in various R&D departments, including real time in vivo/vitro imaging. Rupa has also been LEAN Project Manager, a Novo Nordisk Talent Ambassador, and has mentored PhD and Master students that resulted in presentations at international conferences and publications in peer reviewed journals.

Dr. Appa-Pind received her Bachelor of Science from the University of California, San Diego and Ph.D. in Medical and Molecular Pharmacology from the University of California, Los Angeles. Rupa has contributed to different stages of drug development from expressing drug candidates to studying their fate/effect using a holistic perspective in rodent models, organs and cells for research and nonclinical development.

Rupa’s diverse background and knowledge have led her to want to contribute to making integrative medicine available in the Nordic countries, with a focus on translational research. The goal being, to study how patient outcomes and quality of life can be improved by using evidence-based integrative therapies to complement pharmacological treatments.

Rupa is the NIM Board Director of Research and Development coming from a 20 year career with Novo... Læs Mere

Medical Consultant

Dr. med. Esther Belmaati, MD PhD

General Practitioner

Esther has been a doctor for over 20 years with extensive experience in General Practice and Research having gained her medical degree in 2003 from the Department of Health, University of Copenhagen and PhD in Diagnostics from the Department of Radiology and Lung Medicine, Rigshospitalet, KU.

Dr. Belmaati is passionate about the day-to-day work with patients and driven to search for deep-seated lasting solutions to problems. As a GP consultant, she conducts both in-person and on-line video consultations, with a focus on acute and chronic medical issues, dermatological outbreaks, and associative stress/depression/anxiety.

In 2013, Esther became one of the founding board members of Nordic Integrative Medicine. Since then, Dr. Belmaati has incorporated many of the inspiring aspects of integrative medicine into her daily work, often to the surprise and satisfaction of her clients. As a guide through challenging times, she feels most rewarded when witnessing the improvement of her clients.

Medical Consultant Dr. med. Esther Belmaati, MD PhD General Practitioner Esther has been a doc... Læs Mere

Music Therapist

Julie Kolbe Krøier, PhD

Certificeret Guided Imagery and Music terapeut (FAMI) Musikpsykoterapeutisk efteruddannelse. Dansk institut for GIM-terapi

Julie is a passionate music therapist and clinical researcher at Aalborg University, where she gained her PhD focusing on the interdisciplinary use of music for health promotion. She is grounded in broad clinical experience, practicing as a music therapist in dementia care, palliative care and psychiatry at Palliative Afd.P, Bispebjerg Hospital.

Dr. Krøier is an involving and inspiring communicator specializing in music and inner imagery, music in care situation, and music psychology.

Music Therapist Julie Kolbe Krøier, PhD Certificeret Guided Imagery and Music terapeut (FAMI) M... Læs Mere

Anne Kathrine graduated as an acupuncturist from the Acupuncture Academy in Copenhagen, February 2014.

In connection with her studies in Denmark, she has completed studies in China at the Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and in the USA at the Samra University of Oriental Medicine in order to deepen her knowledge and skills in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and its treatment options.

As an experienced acupuncturist, Anne Kathrine has found that it is quite often possible to correct disorders and reduce or completely eliminate symptoms – regardless of a person’s character – based on the teachings of TCM principles. Whether a person suffers from a tennis elbow, metabolic symptoms, headaches or mental challenges; there are numerous treatment options available through the vast knowledge and practice of TCM that has existed for thousands of years.

According to the traditional principles of Chinese medicine, there has always been a connection between the physical, mental and the spiritual; and hence better diagnosis, better prognosis and better healing.

Anne Kathrine graduated as an acupuncturist from the Acupuncture Academy in Copenhagen, February ... Læs Mere


Clinical Nutrition Counseling

Vivian Lord, B.H.K., ND

Naturopathic Doctor (ND) with a special focus on Clinical Nutrition, RAB Dansk Ernæringsterapeuter, RAB Dansk Heilpraktiker Forening

Dr. Lord is a naturopathic doctor (ND) registered with the College of Naturopathic Physicians of British Columbia (CNPBC) and a member of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND). She is registered alternative therapist in Denmark by the Dansk Ernæringsterapeuter og Dansk Heilpraktiker Forening.

As a registered naturopathic doctor, Vivian has comprehensive graduate training in traditional sciences along with natural therapies including herbal medicine, functional lab assessment, nutritional consulting, and nutrient therapy. She combines her clinical expertise, passion for connecting with who her clients are, and coaching savvy to help her clients create inspiring change in their health and lives.

Dr. Lord (ND) received the designation of Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine, an accredited naturopathic college in Vancouver, Canada, now called the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. Over the past 12 years she has built practices in Vancouver Canada, New York NY, and London UK. Vivian lives in Denmark, where she retains her practice consulting with her clients internationally via online platforms.

Vivian believes that creating harmony within our bodies is a powerful way to create harmony in each and every one of our lives, and in the world.

CONTACT Clinical Nutrition Counseling Vivian Lord, B.H.K., ND Naturopathic Doctor (ND) with a ... Læs Mere


Clinic Director

Shelley Noble-Letort, PhD, E-RYT, C-IAYT

Integrative Health Consultant, Certified Yoga Therapist

Dr. Noble-Letort is the Founder and Chairman of Nordic Integrative Medicine (NIM) and Clinical Director of NIM HealthTrust360.

8th President of the European Congress of Integrative Medicine (ECIM) 2015 GLOBAL SUMMIT and recipient of two grants from the Weil Foundation, Shelley is completing the Integrative Health & Lifestyle Certification Program (IHeLp) at the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine (AWCIM).

As a life-long practitioner of yoga; an experienced Yoga Alliance (E-RYT 200) internationally certified yoga therapist (C-IAYT) since 2004 and teacher since 1999, Shelley has specialized in childbirth called Yogabirth® and life-threatening illnesses called Yoga for the Heart. Her most profound teachers were Nischala Devi, author of The Healing Path of Yoga and founding developer of the stress management portion of the Dr. Dean Ornish, MD ground-breaking Lifestyle Heart Trial as well as Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen MD, the founder of The Healer’s Art and The Remen Institute for the Study of Health and Illness (RISHI) and co-founder of the award-winning Commonweal Cancer Help Program.

Dr. Noble-Letort is a graduate of UCLA and Pacific Graduate Institute and published author of Human-Earth Expressions on Integrative Health and Our Environment: MAPPING CAVES (Cambridge Scholars UK 2021) . Her community involvement includes environmental, therapeutic and philanthropic work for private and public schools, societies, and non-profit organizations having served as a member of 5 Board of Directors and founded the first birth center in Santa Barbara County (pop. 500,000), the Santa Barbara Birth Center. Since living in Denmark, Dr. Noble-Letort has been honored to be invited as keynote speaker at international academic conferences and to serve as 8th President of the European Congress for Integrative Medicine (ECIM) 2015 Global Summit, hosting 30+ countries and 40+ universities in Greater Copenhagen.

Nordic Integrative Medicine was awarded top-40 citation at the 2018 International Congress for Integrative Medicine and Health, Baltimore Maryland USA for the first integrative health feasibility study in Denmark, Integrative Health Group Visits: A Pilot Feasibility Study to Manage Patients with Chronic Pain in a Nordic Inner-City Clinic.


Caroline Baldwin, Solodanser Den Kongelige Ballet

I first visited the Nordic integrative Medicine Clinic for guidance in regards to my digestive issues. As a professional ballet dancer, my athletic performance is expected to be at a top level. At a time where I had been struggling with my digestion, Dr. Noble-Letort helped me to incorporate a holistic way to nourish myself both mentally and physically for my everyday life and athletic development. I would call Shelley a “wellness warrior” and I continue to incorporate all the knowledge she has introduce me to and educated me on. So thankful that I now use these tools everyday.

Viktoria Hyldebrandt Falck Schmidt, Korpsdansere Den Kongelige Ballet

Dr. Noble-Letort was recommended to me by a dear friend and colleague at a time when I was very lost. The many different kinds of diets and ways of eating can and were very overwhelming to me. Shelley didn’t at any point tell me what not to eat, instead she recommended and explained all the good and nutritious foods that would be right and beneficial to me based on evidence-based research. There is not one diet for all, but one for each person. I learned to listen to my body and not just my stomach but my mind too. Dr. Noble-Letort is much more than an integrative health consultant, she is someone who will listen to you and guide you in the best way so you can learn to follow the path that would be right for your body and for you as a whole person, body and mind.

CONTACT Clinic Director Shelley Noble-Letort, PhD, E-RYT, C-IAYT Integrative Health Consultant... Læs Mere

Massage Therapist

Perry Owens, BSc (Hons UK) Physiotherapy

Physiotherapist specializing in massage therapies

Perry graduated with 1st Class Honors in Physiotherapy (BSc Hons) – incl. massage from Oxford Brookes University.

She has treated both acute injuries and overuse injuries, and implemented planned rehabilitation programs in addition to working with athletes at all levels, including professional triathletes and cyclists.

Perry’s clinical work has a special focus on Orthopedics, Neurology, Hydrotherapy, Cardiology, Women’s Health, Outpatients Rehabilitation, Specialized Pediatrics, Burns and Plastics.

Treatments may include:

Physiotherapy examination and treatment

Massage therapies

Myofascial •• Head/Neck/Back •• Relaxing •• Pregnancy •• Sports

Other specialties

Headache and trigger point treatments •• Advanced level Dry needling •• Chinese Cupping •• Basic treatment in Tui Na

Tui Na, or tuina, is a therapeutic form of massage that has been used in China for more than 5,000 years gaining international attention for its safe and effective treatment for acute and chronic pain, arthritis, sciatica and muscle spasms including the alleviation of stress related disorders like insomnia, constipation, headaches and other disorders related to digestive, respiratory and reproductive systems. The greatest advantage of Tui Na is that it focuses on maintaining overall balance with both physical and mental health, relaxing as well as energizing the person receiving care. Clients remain clothed, wearing loose clothing that allows special treatments to people of all ages, from infancy to old age.

Massage Therapist Perry Owens, BSc (Hons UK) Physiotherapy Physiotherapist specializing in mass... Læs Mere

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